Did you know that the Book of Revelation makes no mention of the Antichrist? Did you know that the beast in Revelation was referred to in the early manuscripts by two numbers: 666 and 616? Did you know that to understand Revelation at all, you need to study the Old Testament, as Revelation makes hundreds of references to it, and they are the keys to open the mysteries of Revelation?
"Understanding Revelation" brings together the study of history, the Old Testament prophetic books and the New Testament, and profound understanding of the symbolic language of dreams and visions in order to bring to the surface the complex yet consistent symbolic and referential system within Revelation that is there to guide interpretation. It will debunk many myths about Revelation and give you a sound and biblical framework to study and approach the most enigmatic and prophetic book in the New Testament with confidence.

The gifts of the Spirit were given to be used in a Christian community, but soon after the Azusa Street Revival in 1906 they were repurposed to be used in a stage performance setting, as revivalists travelled with large tents, and the Pentecostals built large auditoriums that utilised new communication technologies. Because of the stage performance setting, the Pentecostals and Charismatics began to focus on the visible aspect of the gifts, seeking to demonstrate God’s power.
But the original purpose of the spiritual gifts—words of knowledge and wisdom, tongues and their interpretation, gifts of healings, faith, working miracles, prophecy and discerning spirits—was to be an expression of God’s love to His people. And when the original purpose was lost in the repurposing of the gifts to serve as an expression of charismatic power, their true power was also lost, and the Church also lost the gift of discerning spirits, as it got addicted to charismatic spectacles.
But the original purpose of the spiritual gifts—words of knowledge and wisdom, tongues and their interpretation, gifts of healings, faith, working miracles, prophecy and discerning spirits—was to be an expression of God’s love to His people. And when the original purpose was lost in the repurposing of the gifts to serve as an expression of charismatic power, their true power was also lost, and the Church also lost the gift of discerning spirits, as it got addicted to charismatic spectacles.
Supernatural Love goes to the roots of the stage performance model to disentangle a biblical model of ministry, and exposes the roots and dynamics of a false prophetic ministry model that, today, amongst many other things, keeps on churning fables about the omnipresent evil spirit Jezebel and false political prophecies, such as the Trump prophecies.

You were designed to be full of God's Spirit and hear His voice. You were designed for supernatural living!
God gives the supernatural gift of prophecy freely but you will develop and keep it only through winning the spiritual battle against your self and the enemy.
The Lord's Prayer provides a balanced biblical framework for growing in the prophetic gift. The five spiritual movements hidden in it ensure that you can enter into God's presence, perspective, provision, nature and freedom.
Based on over twenty-five years of walking and ministering in the prophetic, Marko looks at different aspects of prophetic hearing and seeing, giving practical examples from everyday life and ministry, including forty prophetic lessons he learnt when God led him to marry his wife.
'Five Movements' shows how at the heart of mature prophetic ministry is longing to live in God's presence, how to discern when it is God speaking and when not, how to interpret dreams and visions, and how to overcome the enemy that will seek to snatch away your prophetic gift.
God gives the supernatural gift of prophecy freely but you will develop and keep it only through winning the spiritual battle against your self and the enemy.
The Lord's Prayer provides a balanced biblical framework for growing in the prophetic gift. The five spiritual movements hidden in it ensure that you can enter into God's presence, perspective, provision, nature and freedom.
Based on over twenty-five years of walking and ministering in the prophetic, Marko looks at different aspects of prophetic hearing and seeing, giving practical examples from everyday life and ministry, including forty prophetic lessons he learnt when God led him to marry his wife.
'Five Movements' shows how at the heart of mature prophetic ministry is longing to live in God's presence, how to discern when it is God speaking and when not, how to interpret dreams and visions, and how to overcome the enemy that will seek to snatch away your prophetic gift.